By Jiwon Hwang/황지원

Not a lot of countries still have royals, kings and queens, princes and princesses in their thrones. However, there is a country that does and benefits greatly from it; the United Kingdom. People all over the world are interested in the royals’ lives. They want to know all the gossip, the ‘tea’, about what’s going on between them. Well, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, decided to give us a little hint of what their lives as royals were like.

On March 7th, 2021, an interview of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was aired on CBS. After their exit from the royal family, they have decided to talk about how their life as a royal was, and to ‘put out the truth’ according to Meghan. Meghan is multi-racial, with a black mother and a white father, which made her the first mixed-race royal. She claimed that she has heard concerns about how dark the skin of her son Archie might be when she was pregnant with him and that the pressure she received during the time as a royal made her constantly consider ending her life. The Duchess continued to talk about how she was being silent about these issues while she was encouraging other women to speak up for themselves, when Oprah Winfrey, the host of the interview, asked if Meghan was being silent, or if she was being silenced. Meghan replied, “The latter.”

The interview caused much more problems than anyone would have thought of. There were people who were happy that the couple shared their story and encouraged them, while others were getting quite suspicious. Some people decided that Harry and Meghan lied on national television, providing proof to refute their claims. First of all, Meghan said in the interview that she didn’t know much about royals and wasn’t trained properly before marrying into the royal family, leaving her naïve. However, a post that Meghan made on her blog 7 years ago said something different. She had written about Kate Middleton and Prince William’s marriage, saying that it was every girl’s dream to become a princess. Also, it was revealed that Meghan took lessons about table manners at tea time for two hours from the Queen herself, but this wasn’t the only part of Prince Harry and Meghan’s story that the public believed to be plotted. Meghan said that she had suicidal thoughts, and that the royal family took no action about her mental health. She also claimed that most of the negative news about her in the tabloids were fake, and accused the royal family of leaving her to suffer from them. On the other hand, Prince Harry said that he never told his family about Meghan’s mental health issues because he felt ashamed to do so, exposing her by accident.

Only Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and the royals will know who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. However, it is clear that nobody should ever do harm to others out of selfishness, whether it is Meghan or the Commonwealth who did so. It is simply unjust to use other people’s suffering as an advantage by covering up the truth, especially when one knows the power they hold. These actions must come to a stop for the greater good. 


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